Meet Our Centers
Community mediation offers constructive processes for resolving differences; and conflicts between individuals, groups, and organizations. It is an alternative to avoidance, destructive confrontation, prolonged litigation or violence. It gives people in conflict an opportunity to take responsibility for the resolution of their dispute and control of the outcome. Community mediation is designed to preserve individual interests while strengthening relationships and building connections between people and groups and create processes that make communities work for all of us.
North Carolina has three distinct geographical regions. For your convenience, our centers below are listed based on geographic region.
Western Centers
Conflict Resolution Center of Cabarrus County
Cabarrus County
Cabarrus County Courthouse
77 Union Street South
P.O. Box 1222
Concord, NC 28026-1222
Tel: (704) 786-1820, extension 2
Fax: (704) 721-3311
The Conflict Resolution Center offers district criminal court mediation program for citizen-initiated warrants in the 25th Prosecutorial District Cabarrus County and 27th Prosecutorial District Rowan County.
Other court services offered in Cabarrus County include Young Adult Mediation, Shoplifting and Theft Offenders Program (S.T.O.P) and Truancy Mediation that includes Triple P – Positive Parenting Program. Three JCPC-funded programs for juvenile mediation/conflict resolution are used by county schools, local law enforcement and the Division of Juvenile Justice for “at-risk” and court-involved youth. A Medicaid Appeals [for those denied a service] for Cabarrus and Rowan counties.
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Community Relations Committee/Dispute Settlement Program
Mecklenburg County
Mary Williams, Community Relations Specialist
600 East Trade Street, Suite 003
Charlotte, NC 28202-2941
Tel: (704) 612-1181
Fax: (704) 336-5176
E-mail: [email protected]
The Community Relations Dispute Settlement Program (DSP) has been providing mediation/conciliation services to Charlotte-Mecklenburg residents since 1983. Our trained volunteer mediators assist parties in defining and clarifying issues, reducing obstacles to communication, exploring possible solutions and reaching a mutually satisfactory agreement. DSP mediates misdemeanor criminal complaints, 50C no contact orders, neighborhood conflicts, consumer complaints, workplace disputes, landlord tenant issues and school concerns. DSP provides training in basic mediation, peer mediation, diversity and conflict resolution skills.
The Conflict Resolution Center
Catawba, Burke and Caldwell Counties
Cathy Starnes, Executive Director
218-A Main Ave. East
PO Box 1222, Hildebrand, NC 28637-1222
Tel: (828) 397-2566
Fax: (828) 397-2954
E-mail: [email protected]
The Conflict Resolution Center offers a district criminal court mediation program for citizen-initiated warrants in the 25th Judicial District. Young Adult Offender and Shoplifting & Theft Offender Programs are district court programs offered in Catawba. Three JCPC-funded programs for juvenile mediation/conflict resolution are used by schools and Juvenile Justice for “at-risk” and court-involved offenders. A Medicaid Appeals (for those denied a service) and Worthless Check Program are offered to citizens/merchants of Burke, Caldwell and Catawba counties.
Piedmont Mediation Center
Iredell, Davidson, Davie, Alexander Counties
Jessica Lemmons, Executive Director
PO Box 604
Statesville, NC 28687
Tel: (704) 873-7624
E-mail: [email protected]
Piedmont Mediation Center, Inc. serves Alexander, Iredell, Davie, Davidson, and Randolph Counties with mediation and restorative processes. The District Criminal Court Mediation Program provides an opportunity for those involved in a court case to resolve their dispute outside of court. Medicaid Mediation is used as a part of the appeals process. Restorative Processes include Victim/Offender, Family Group Decision Making, Responsive Circles, Truancy Mediation, Teen Court, Community Service, Youth Offender Diversion Alternative (YODA), and various workshops.
Mediation & Restorative Justice Center, Inc.
Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, Madison, Mitchell, McDowell, Surry, Watauga, Wilkes, Yadkin, and Yancey Counties
Marisa Cornell, Executive Director
133 N. Water Street, Suite B
Boone, North Carolina 28607
Tel: (828) 264-3040
Email: [email protected]
The Mediation & Restorative Justice Center (MRJC) provides conflict resolution and restorative justice services in a variety of settings across 10 counties in Northwestern North Carolina. For over 25 years, MRJC has worked to reduce the harm caused by unresolved conflict and retributive punishment in order to increase the respect, peace, productivity, and safety in the communities we serve. MRJC’s programs include District Criminal Court Mediation, Juvenile Mediation, Drug Treatment Court, and Law Enforcement-Assisted Diversion (LEAD.)
Mediation Center of Southern Piedmont
Gaston, Lincoln and Cleveland Counties
Beth Fox, Executive Director
410 West Franklin Blvd., Suite 40
Gastonia, NC 28052-2109
Tel: (704) 868-9576
Fax: (704) 865-6436
E-mail: [email protected]

Central Centers
Deep River Mediation
Chatham and Lee Counties
Janice Almond, Executive Director
P.O. Box 1151
Pittsboro, NC 27312
Tel: (919) 542-4075
Fax: (919) 542-2360
Email: [email protected]
Deep River Mediation programs serve the community, courts, and schools in Chatham and Lee Counties.
Mediation helps conflicting parties clarify disagreements, reduce communication barriers, and explore solutions to achieve a mutually satisfactory solution.
Anger Management/Conflict Resolution for youth or adults isn’t only about managing anger. Classes also teach non confrontational communication and negotiation skills.
Individuals/groups may require Conflict Resolution training for court or work requirements, or personal need.
Conflict coaching is taught one on one.
Family Mediation is for divorcing parties.
Medicaid Appeals Mediation Program.
Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.
Elna B. Spaulding Conflict Resolution Center
Durham County
Raquel Dominguez, Executive Director
510 S. Dillard Street, Suite 2000
Durham, NC 27701
(919) 680-4575 Office
(919) 697-5993 Mobile
Email: [email protected]
“The Elna B. Spaulding Conflict Resolution Center is a community mediation center in Durham, North Carolina that approaches conflict through collaboration that results in win-win solutions. We utilize mediation, negotiations and training to help people address conflict.
We also use Restorative Justice models such as victim-offender mediation or dialogue and conferencing when appropriate. Our goal is to offer a variety of means to resolve and manage conflict and disputes by customizing the approach to meet our clients needs.”
One Step Further, Inc.: Mediation Services of Guilford County
Guilford County
Shirley Corpening, Program Director
623 Eugene Court
Greensboro, NC 27401-2711
Tel: (336) 273-5667
Fax: (336) 378-0959
E-mail: [email protected]
600 Vail Street
High Point, NC 27260-65651
Tel: (336) 882-1810
The Programs of One Step Further, Inc. offers the following programs:
Adult Mediation Services (AMS) Provides mediation sessions for parties who have disputes and receptive to participate in the mediation process. Referrals come from the criminal justice system and community self-referrals;
Juvenile Mediation Services (JMS) Provides effective diversion, pre-adjudication probation and re-entry options to address juvenile crime;
Community Support & Nutrition Program (CSNP) Provides patron-choice grocery distribution, home-delivered grocery assistance, lunch, and learn nutrition education and budgeting skills and etc.;
Alamance County Teen Court (ATC) and Guilford County Teen Court (GTC) Provides hearings for youth offenders ages 6-17 yrs. old who are referred by SRO’s or juvenile court;
Junior/Senior Life Skills Program (JSLS) Provides classes for at-risk, undisciplined, or delinquent juveniles’ ages 8-17;
Community-Offender Resource Program (CORP) Provides Anger Management, Parenting Classes, Behavior Modification & Character Education;
Family Factor (FF) Utilizes current LGBTQ support services;
Community Service-Restitution Program (CSR) Provides 7 to 16 year-old youth opportunities to work at human service and non-profit agencies to fulfill court ordered community service and victim restitution sanctions.
Mediation Services of Rockingham County
c/o ReDirections
Rockingham, Caswell, Person and Alamance Counties
Alexey Ferrell, Executive Director
1311 Freeway Drive
Reidsville, NC 27320-0623
Tel: (336) 342-5238
Fax: (336) 342-3111
Alamance Court Mediation: (336) 260-1254
E-mail: [email protected]
Eastern Centers

Cumberland County Dispute Resolution Center
Cumberland County
Tina Estle, Executive Director
321 Dick Street, Suite 104
Fayetteville, NC 28301
Tel: (910) 486-9465
Fax: (910) 486-8369
Email: [email protected]
Our center provides free, confidential mediation services for the community, law enforcement, landlord/tenant, consumer/merchant, juvenile mediation and family mediation. District Court mediation consist of a $60.00 court fee. We offer in person mediation, telephone mediation and video mediation. No location is to far to serve.
We also have other programs available: Teen Court, Jail Mediation, Responsible Youth Initiative, Juvenile House arrest program, educational seminars and classes in mediation and advance mediation.
Mediation Center of Eastern North Carolina
Craven, Edgecombe, Nash, Pitt and Wilson Counties
Candice Mathis, Executive Director
E-Mail: [email protected]
200 Eastbrook Drive, Suite A
Greenville, NC 27858
Tel: (252) 758-0268
Fax: (252) 758-8810
215 Lexington Street
PO Box 9053, Rocky Mount NC 27804
Tel: (252) 985-3792
Fax: (252) 985-7389
233 Middle Street, Suite 208
P.O. Box 1184, New Bern NC 28563
Tel: (252) 633-2538
Fax: (252) 633-6412
113 East Nash Street, Suite 205
P.O. Box 35, Wilson NC 27894
Tel: (252) 237-7061
Fax: (252) 293-9969
The Mediation Center of Eastern Carolina (MCEC) is a nonprofit organization incorporated in 1989 to serve the 29 counties in Eastern North Carolina. MCEC has designed and implemented programs to help youth, families, and adult community members resolve conflict. These programs focus on respecting and appreciating differences as well as including all parties in the problem-solving process. Through mediation, education, and facilitation, MCEC helps people recognize the root of conflict and provide practical strategies to solve problems collaboratively and define long-term solutions.
We offer community services with the following programs:
District Court Mediations
Community Mediation Services
Girls Empowered/Mam-Up
Anger Management and Conflict Resolution Programs and Training
Bullying Prevention and Social Skills Development
Family Connections Program
Teen Court
Resolve It Together
Building Peace in Schools
Medicaid Mediations